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Storage Space Required for Your New Athletic Equipment

Whether you're buying new athletic equipment for use at home, at a school or at a sports complex, you'll need to think about whether you have the space to store it when it's not in use. In some cases, you may be able to leave out your new volleyball set, wall-mount basketball goal or portable soccer net for weeks or months at a time. But for most athletes and coaches, there comes a time when you need to put your equipment away to make space for other activities.

So, which types of athletic equipment will work best for those who have a limited amount of storage space? Check out these features to look for when you need to keep your gear in storage.


Measuring your available storage space is a great place to start when looking for new athletic equipment. You can look for equipment that folds down or collapses into a smaller shape to make it easy to fit a tight space. For example, many basketball goals feature adjustable height settings, allowing you to fit them into small storage spaces when placed on the shortest setting.


Another factor to consider is how easily portable your new athletic equipment is. For example, you may have space to store your new soccer goals, but is it too heavy to move on your own? If you'd like to be able to get your gear in storage easily and quickly, look for equipment that is made with portability in mind. For example, residential portable basketball sets such as the RollaSport and RollaJam roll right into your garage or shed for quick and easy storage.


If you don't want the hassle of taking equipment in and out of storage, you can always opt for permanent or semi-permanent equipment. For example, you can choose an aluminum soccer goal that's made from durable aluminum and meets ASTM standards for tip-over and failure requirements. This means you can leave it in place without worrying that it won't hold up to rough outdoor conditions and regular use.

Make sure you consider how you'll store your new athletic equipment before making a purchase. First Team's incredible selection of portable, adjustable and permanent sports goals and other accessories make it easy to find something that's suited to your athletic endeavors and your available space.